ok so let me begin here by letting u in on a few things right upfront...
* i do not capitalize or punctuate anything... (save for all caps for angry outbursts of righteous indignation or to show honor and reverence for the Holy Name of G-d)... i also use these dots alot... so my writing has the flow of speaking... i call it my free-flow style or stream of consciousness form of blogging... for i am not trying to get u to read me as much as i'm endeavoring to have u listen to me as if we were having a conversation...
** i also use this unique form of script so as to not be able to be forged... no one will know everything about how i paragraph or phrase things so if anyone breaks in here and plants anything on me... i will be able to alert u to what is not mine...
*** next a few important definitions...
i utilize the word 'slime' alot... it stands for the phrase: "the powers that be..." i coined them... "the slime that is..." or just 'the slime' for short...
**** who are the slime...?
as u will get to know from this site... they are the collective elitist aristocracy of the world who have been in power since nimrod showed up upon the scene 200 or so years after the great flood of noach (noah)... (genesis~bereshit:10-11)...
the slime morphed several times in the biblical world from babylon under king nimrod (mesopataemia) who warred with avraham avinu (abraham our first patriarch) to esav the son of yitzchak (isaac) who hated and sought to kill his own twin brother yakov (jacob)... then down into egypt who enslaved the b'nai yisroel (the children of israel) and back up again into babylon under king nevuchadnezzer who conquered the land of israel and destroyed the first beit hamikdash (the first temple) in yerushalayim (jerusalem)...
in the ancient world of antiquity it was greece and rome who held sway over nimrod's dearth-cult but never the persians who helped the jews break the yoke of bavel (babylon) and return to our land and rebuild our temple... the second beit hamikdash... the greeks defeated the persians and then later came and defiled the temple but the chashmanoiim (the macabbees of chanukah fame) drove them out and vanquished their hold over our land and freed our people until the romans came along and destroyed the second temple and sentus out into this bitter and dark nearly 2000 year exile which we still find ourselves in despite having realized the partial fulfilment of the messianic prophecies of the latter books of the bible (tenach) after the holocaust of ww2 ended...
the slime in more modern world history ever since the fall of the roman empire have been the royal families of europe especially in great britain... the vatican... (the holy roman empire) and the american bluebloods or ruling families of what has evolved into the northeastern upper classes comprising the military-industrial-congressional-think tank complex in the the period of the aftermath of the civil war... these groups hold hegemony over the earth along with their surrogates and hand-picked disciples and descendants and of course their lackeys from lower classes as well...
***** at the top can be found the tyrants, dictators and despots of every stripe (right wing and left) within the third world countries as well as favored muslim clans...
****** and of course traitorous jews who reject G-d, His torah and way of life... especially like the rothchilds and who have adopted the nimrodian worldview paradigm and creed... they are the spiritual descendants of the erev rav (the mixed multitude of gentiles) which moshe rebenu ~ moses our teacher took out of egypt along with our ancestors at the exodus against the express will of Hashem (G-d)...
these are they that did most of the rebelling and instigating in the midbar (the desert) and later as well in eretz yisroel (in the land of israel) they were the ones leading us down into avodah zara (idolatry) which eventually led to our ultimate downfall, conquest and exile... these would be the jews who became the (tzadukim) sadducees who spurned judaism for greek cultural hellenism and railed against the rabbis... the authentic torah leaders ~ the perushim (pharasees ~ or the ones who in the minority led pious, religious lives true to the torah commands and created a necessary separation from the majority unfaithful, disloyal to G-d and israel ~ sadducees... leading up to the chanukah story miracle...
and still later these would be the ones to rebel yet again by embracing the jesus hebrew-christian false-messiah movement which further tore apart our people and hold over our homeland...
much later these are the jews who followed the satanic sabatean/frankist false-messianic vision which led to the formation of and chism from within world jewry breaking us up into competing camps... reform, conservative, reconstruction all aligned against orthodoxy ~ the authentic torah-true judaism as bequesthed to us on har sinai (mt.sinai) by the revelation of G-d... and these are the elite secular and even sadly some religious jews today who join with the slime and serve them against our heritage, people and land... the slime are also comprised of the labor zionist movement which has been the ruling and dominating body since the founding of the modern secular, socialist and now nearly martial-law state of israel... not all of the government and political parties are thus just the ruling factions within each...
anyway... this is enough of an introduction for now by way of background to begin reading my take on things... and now without further ado... my first post... tell me what u think... won't u...?
******* one last thing... my handle here is nikmatdam which means in hebrew... "avenger of blood"
i use this because this is my life goal to avenge at least with my words the martyred jews of all ages... it is nikmatdam with a small 'n' though because only Hashem can be and is THE true Avenegr of blood with a capital 'N'... and not until the advent of the messianic final redemption will this vengeance as promised by G-d be finally fulfilled in deed and in action and not just in theory of precept via the agency of prayer... and thus no longer realized solely in the realm of inner-directed thought and meditation......
the concept of this prophetic promise and covenantal historical revenge one day coming to fruition stems from the verse in deuteronomy~devarim:32:43 ...
"o' nations ~ sing the praises of His people (israel), for He will avenge the blood of His servants (at the end of time); He will bring retribution upon his foes and He will appease His land and His people..." (by this awesome display of His force and might and thru His open deliverance and meting out of an eternal Divine justice so richly deserved and so thoroughly earned by the slime)...
******** and lastly here for now... my blog-spot is called 'humble servant' because this is what i am in my service to Hashem (G-d)... and not just in my demeanor and comportment either... the good quality and perfection of soul deemed true humility... a human characteristic i constantly try to strive for and adhere to... a trait i always attempt to attain but alas one i never quite seem to master... and so i am humble in the other sense of the word... 'meager'... of no great achievement... i am truly humble... i am so poor in deeds and i am flawed of character and lacking in accomplisment...
ok... 'nuff said already... here we go...
america: "hood ~ winked" yet again... by nikmatdam...
the ft. hood massacre was a terrorist~jihadist attack... it was not the action of one man who had suddenly snapped... this is a lie being promulgated by the media~whores who working for the slime wish to calm our fears and keep us fast asleep...
how do i know...? first off... the early reports all said at least one if not two other shooters were involved and then they dropped it and buried this report... and went wall~to~wall with the muslim doc who cracked under the pressure of his imminent deployment to iraq... bull...i'm not buying it... i do not accept their excuses to explain away his hatred and attack against america and american gi's... he had been flagged 6 mos earlier for blogging words to this effect... "a suicide bomber is comparable to a soldier who jumps on a grenade to save his unit..."
and so this was the work of a fundamentalist muslim who though dormant for years was finally set~off by his handlers after laying low and being embedded within the u.s. army for so long... and this same scenario will play out thousands of times over G~d forbid if we continue to be in denial and stay asleep... and thus they use people to do their dirty work for them... and hide behind this filth to conquer... and they can be anybody out there among us... they can be teachers and fireman and who knows what else of muslim extraction who "suddenly go off" irrationally and without warning...
and if we continue each time to sluff it off as just another isolated incident of a muslim snapping but not a concerted effort at jihad then we are really in for it and i say we have a death~wish if we are this stupidly pc and accepting of the propagandic lies and falsely~reassuring rhetoric we will hear and see in the media... and on the internet...
and so once again... the slime use people to do their dirty work for them... and hide behind this filth to cover their hand and their guilt as the actual instigator of all of these many genocidal crimes against humanity throughout history...
the age of the crusades and the countering from the sword of islamic hordes pouring into europe has given way in our day and age and has been transformed into "peace-keeping" missions... so-called "friendly" invasions to topple dictators and spread democracy or so they lie to us and we fall for this ruse each and every time hook, line and sinker......
and these occupying armies of the west extant now all over the middle east do their job killing muslims while muslim terrorists continue to rampage all over the world doing their job killing the white men for the slime rulers of the planet... each side continuing the carnage that allows the slime the ability to maintain their hold over power and natural resources by killing us off for each other... generationally genociding the world for the oligarcal cabal comprised of both those from the supposedly christian west and those from the supposedly muslim middle east... while in truth none is really loyal to the tenets of their own faith only using it to hold sway over their populaces by keeping them enthralled from fear of attack and reprisals from within and from without... and also using one another to kill off enough from each camp for the their mutually shared slime rulership to assure each other retention of the absolute power they all so crave...
and so wars are justified propagandically so the west can prove legitimacy to their invading the arab/muslim lands and then the muzzies can rightfully counter-attack to protect their turf or swarm over the west bringing us a taste of our own medicine into our own neighborhoods... and the game can go on until all the decent peoples (little guys) of the world grow weary from war and upheaval and are finally ready and willing to concede their freedoms and rights for a little peace and quiet...
and this ploy works to perfection because the terrorists are jihadists and so we believe they are the ones attacking us because we have overrun their lands and since even the terrorists themselves do not know their true pay-masters this gives the slime cover and the requisite shield that they need to get away with this grand deception... that they have nothing to do with terror and have the plausible deniability to say that they are not doing any of this even from behind the scenes to their own population centers in europe and lately since 9/11 in america as well... though none of them nor any of their family members ever fall victim to any of this "islamic" terror as one might think they would as the prime target of the fundamentalist-muslim killers rather than always being us little-guys exclusively all of the time...
but they have clean hands they say and are fighting this scourge too with us... nay leading the charge in fact they claim... they lie... but it's the same age~old scheme to keep our peoples and populations down and/or petrified and impbilized from the fear of ambush so that we trade our freedoms away for the promise of protection...
and thus this is the only way to fathom why or how people can be conspiring with foreigners all over the world to undermine their own country and homeland... and so they endeavor to take away all of our freedoms and liberties... we the little-guys of the world they have no use for... we who to them have no inalienable, intrinsic right even to our own existence... and no purpose to our continued survival whatsoever unless it is to be their abject slaves... and this is their goal... and this has always been their goal since the beginning of time... nimrod, egypt, babylon and esav in the bible...
but in more recent history... it has been greece and rome... and down to our own day and time to those in america and britain who consider themselves the blueblooded heirs to the throne of these past tyrannical empires and see themselves as the true descendants and disciples of the royal and priestly classes and clans of yesteryear with the "right" and "obligation" in their own mind and estimation to carry on their predecessors' "sacred work" and this on-going mission throughout history which they claim has now fallen to them to fulfill and see thru to its final completion...
they call this their destiny to rule and to dominate... their "divine right of kings" (divine with a lower case d since they worship lucifer on the dog-star sirius as their one and only god although he has had many other names as well throughout history... osiris, zeus, jupiter... just to name a few)... and thus they say they derive their election to be masters and sole rulers over the earth from these idolatrous cults but not from the real Creator of the universe... Hashem... the G-d of israel...
how can i be so certain that all of the above i've written is the truth...? because of the date upon which this event occurred... nov 5th... and a list of events tragic and murderous will be forthcoming from me when i have the chance to research it...
but all i know is that rabbi kahane nov 5, 1990... pm yitchak rabin nov 4, 1995... jdl l.a. leader irv rubin nov 4, 2002 (he died from his coma on nov. 13th but he was slashed on the 4th)...
irv rubin did not commit suicide the very day before he was to finally have his day in court after 6 mos of being held with no recourse to his own self~defense... and so he was murdered in jail... for another complete absurdity would be for someone to be able to cut his own throat and then while bleeding out profusely still have the presence of mind... not to mention possessing the requisite body strength to be able to leap over a rail to fall to his own death...
and if u believe this "official" nonsense... this story which is an utter fallacy... concocted by the slime to cover their asses... then i have a gorgeous mountain range i'd like to sell u way up in the himalayas... any takers...?
nov 4~5, 1605 was the infamous gunpowder plot when the slime tried to blow up parliament and king james I's palace (buckingham) because he had translated for the first time the bible into english and had just settled the new world in virginia which threatened the hegemony of rome and the european~slime, illuminati... the black bavarian nobility...
guy fawkes day is the slime holiday celebrating this foiled attempt... but vowing to keep fighting to vanquish jews and protestants alike until the reformation and the renaissance is no more... and they celebrate this anniversary more times than not with terrorist action or assassination... (sending you more background on this soon)... there is a definable pattern of violence and mayhem that occurs often on either of these 2 dates and it is by design not coincidental...
same with the murder and carnage that frequently now transpires on hitler's birthday... april 19th... or on the anniversary of another slime~hit... april 15th ~ the date they got lincoln...
they want us to stay asleep so they sell us a bill of goods of a muslim psychiatrist snapping... but far more is really going on here and is at play...
all of this fully comprehendible only when u understand the slime's generational agenda to create a owg and religion based upon their sick vision of a nwo... and u can only percieve the truth of this when you know their endgame... their ultimate goal and those of their collaborators like the israeli power~structure from the labor~zionist movement (notice i didn't say the whole zionist movement just the labor one... the dominant controlling faction historically)...
that it has always been their aim to achieve the downfall of all nationalistic movements... to remove the soveriegnty of all nation~states and this is why traitors are to be found within all governments and invariably these traitors emanate from the elitist classes or entrenched and ensconced aristocracies and their lackeys within countries like our own and israel...
this is the only way to fathom why or how people can be conspiring with foreigners all over the world to undermine their own country and homeland... and so they endeavor to take away all of our freedoms and liberties... we the little-guys of the world they have no use for... we who to them have no inalienable right to simply be... they seek our destruction... and to rub salt in our wounds the slime like to choose to do things to us on these dates... like make an unconstitional amendment to the constitution and demand income tax from us... due on the very day they killed abraham lincoln just to rub our noses in it as to how much power they wield over us... just because they can do to us whatever they wish...
(posting background material on the gunpowder plot as soon as i can)...
so the ft hood massacre is another link in the chain of events... a shooting outside quanico, virginia fbi headquarters and training facility... at ft dix, new jersey... busted plot in l.a. by black muslim converts from jail with plans to blow up young israel of century city and anshe emet... (all dates and facts already sent you)... soldiers, fbi, police and jews and jewish institutions all targets of these groups as directed by the slime from behind the scenes to dishearten and then conquer america and bring down our freedom and national sovereignty... this is the full story behind the truth of muslim terrorism here, in israel and wherever it rises up around the world... and this is its true purpose and goal... not by the islamist-fascists but by the overpowering slime overlords... it is not the muslim who will rule if they are successful in bringing down america, europe and israel... G-d forbid... but the ones who pull their strings from cover and
call the shots from concealment... they will be despots who will then rule with an iron-clad fist over all of humanity... again G-d forfend... nik.out...
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